Giving to the Museum
The Textile Museum of Canada is for all and made possible by you!
We are a self-funded, collaborative, and resourceful museum that relies 100% on annual donations, grants and earned revenue to operate. If you believe in the power of art, object, story, and community voices to help teach us to understand each other and protect our planet, please donate today. With your generous support we can continue to bring our unique textile collection, exhibitions, and programs to the world.
Gifts may be made to our highest priorities, our endowment fund or to the Sarah Quinton Curatorial Fund for Emerging Artists and Curators.
Interested in becoming a Supporter? Learn more here.
Please note the current year’s tax receipts will be sent in February of the following year.
Interested in donating to our collection? Learn more here or contact
If you have any questions about the donation process, please contact:
(416) 599-5321 x 95
Charitable Registration Number
107756207 RR 0001