The Textile Museum of Canada is temporarily closed to the public as of February 16th, 2025 Learn More

Privacy Policy

The Textile Museum of Canada (TMC) is committed to respecting the personal information of all Museum visitors, members, donors, volunteers, staff, Board of Trustees, Web users and other stakeholders.

In order to protect the privacy of the aforementioned, the TMC has the following policies:

Defining Personal Information

Personal information is any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact a specific individual. This information can include an individual’s opinions or beliefs, as well as facts about, or related to, the individual. Exceptions: business contact information and certain publicly available information, such as names, addresses and telephone numbers as published in telephone directories, are not considered personal information.

Collection of Information
  • The Museum collects personal information (such as address or donation history) only from visitors, members, donors and others who have actively shown or are likely to show an interest in the organization.
  • Individuals will be informed about the purposes for which their information will be used.
  • Composite tallies of Web site page views, search terms, and other traffic information is useful for improving the design and content of our site. This composite information does not identify individual Web site users.
Storage of Information
  • Personal information is stored in our database and in hard copy files. Only authorized Museum personnel have access to this information.
  • Personal information that is no longer required to fulfill the stated purpose will be destroyed or made anonymous.
Use of Information

The TMC uses personal information to better serve our visitors, members and donors and to expand our community. Primarily, this includes:

  • Mailings (by post or electronic) and phone calls to provide information about activities, programs, memberships and donations.
  • Mailings (by post or electronic) and phone calls to thank supporters and issue tax receipts.
  • Mailings (by post or electronic) and phone calls to invite members and supporters to special events.
  • Mailings (by post or electronic) and phone calls to sell memberships, event tickets and solicit donations.

The Museum is committed to using personal information in a respectful and useful way. Visitors, members and supporters will receive information that we believe will be in their interest. The TMC will also commit itself to making sure visitors, members and donors do not receive more than a reasonable number of letters or phone calls.

If an individual requests that their personal information not be used for one of these purposes as noted above, or for any other purpose, that request will be honoured. The individual’s account will be updated accordingly.

Disclosure of Information

The TMC never discloses the personal information of visitors, members or donors to any third party.

Contact Information

Questions or comments regarding this policy, or the administration of the Privacy Act at the Textile Museum of Canada may be directed to:

Caitlin Donnelly
Textile Museum of Canada
55 Centre Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 2H5