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Wall Hanging, T87.0357
Posted: Jan 8th, 2020 | Collection Spotlight

Our Object of the Week is featured in JANE KIDD: CURIOUS exhibit, which is at TMC from now until June 10th!

This beautiful hanging, which was used for windows, doors, and walls, is from Aubusson, France, c. 1730 – 1769. Tapestries were integral decor pieces in grand European homes during the Baroque and Rococo eras. The symmetrical arrangement of the items featured in the tapestry reflects the formal French style of gardens. Featured in the tapestry are roses, fox gloves, morning glory, poppies, vines, daffodils, and sweet peas, which are typical Rococo motifs from the weaving workshop of Aubusson in Southern France. This area was known for, and profited from, its floral tapestries, which were made fashionable by the French court in the 18th century. The hanging was made using silk floss, linen, metal thread, wool, and cotton, and used the weaving techniques of slit tapestry, tapestry, and twill.

This tapestry is just one of many TMC objects featured in the CURIOUS exhibition, which are in conversation with Jane Kidd’s hand woven tapestries.

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