
Bibliography - Intermediate Area


Schultes, Richard Evans
1988 Where the Gods Reign: Plants and Peoples of the Colombian Amazon. Oracle, AZ: Synergetic Press.

Costa Rica

Calvo Mora, Marlin and Leidy Bonilla Vargas, Julio Sanchez Perez
1992 Costa Rica: Gold, Jade, Forests. Washington, D.C.: The Trust for Museum Exhibitions.

Snarskis, Michael J.
1983 La Ceramica Precolombina en Costa Rica. San Jose: Instituto Nacional de Seguros.

Townsend, Richard F.
1981 Between Continents/Between Seas: Precolumbian Art of Costa Rica. New York: Harry N, Abrams, Inc.


Helms, Mary W.
1995 Creations of the Rainbow Serpent: Polychrome Ceramic Designs from Ancient Panama. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

Labbé, Armand J.
1995 Guardians of the Life Stream: Shamans, Art and Power in Prehispanic Central Panamá. Cultural Arts Press, The Bowers Museum of Cultural Art. Washington, DC: The University of Washington Press.

Linares, Olga F.
1977 Ecology and the Arts in Ancient Panama: On the Development of Social Rank and Symbolism in the Central Provinces. Washington DC: Dumbarton Oaks..

Parker, Ann and Avon Neal
1977 Molas: Folk Art of the Cuna Indians. MA: Barre Publishing.

Puls, Herta

1988 Textiles of the Kuna Indians of Panama. Aylesbury: Shire Publications Ltd


Jacob, Wenzel et al.
1999 Orinoco-Parima: Indian Societies in Venezuela, The Cisneros Collection. Bonn: Hatje Cantz Publishers.