
Bibliography - Andean Region


Bennett, Wendell C.
1954 Ancient Arts of the Andes. New York: Museum of Modern Art.

Bruhns, Karen Olsen
1994 Ancient South America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cahlander, Adele, and Elaine Zorn, Ann Pollard Rowe

1980 Sling Braiding of the Andes. Boulder, CO: Colorado Fiber Center.

Cavallaro, Raffael
1991 Large-Site Methodology: Architectural Analysis and Dual Organization in the Andes. Calgary: Occasional Papers No.5, Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary.

Dover, Robert V. H., Katharine E. Seibold, and John H. McDowell
1992 Andean Cosmologies through Time, edited by Tobert V. H. Dover, Katharine E. Seibold, and John H. McDowell, pp. 168-200. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

Longhena, Maria and Walter Alva
1999 Splendours of the Ancient Andes. London: Thames & Hudson.

Meisch, Lynn A.
1997 Traditional Textiles of the Andes: Life and Cloth in the Highlands. Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco. London: Thames and Hudson.

Rowe, Ann Pollard
1977 Warp Patterned Weaves of the Andes. Washington, DC: Textile Museum.

Stone-Miller, Rebecca
1992 To Weave for the Sun: Ancient Andean Textiles in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. New York: Thames and Hudson.

Peru: General

Bankes, George
1989 Peruvian Pottery. Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire: Shire Publications Ltd.

Benson, Elizabeth P. and Anita G. Cook (eds.)

2001 Ritual Sacrifice In Ancient Peru. Austin: University of Texas Press, pp. 119-136.

Bird, Junius Bouton, and Ann Pollard, Elizabeth P. Benson, Anne-Louise Schaffer
1979 Junius B. Bird Pre-columbian Textile Conference, May 19th and 20th, 1973. Washington, DC: The Textile Museum, Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees for Harvard University.

Donnan, Christopher
1992 Ceramics of Ancient Peru. Los Angeles: Fowler Museum of Cultural History, University of California.

Feltham, Jane

1989 Peruvian Textiles. Aylesbury: Shire Publications Ltd.

Femenias, Blenda
1988 Andean Aesthetics: Textiles of Peru and Bolivia. Elvehjem Museum of Art. Madison: University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Frame, Mary

1989 A Family Affair: Making Cloth in Taquile, Peru. Museum Note No. 26, Vancouver, BC: U.B.C., Museum of Anthropology.

Harcourt, Raoul d'
1962 Textiles of Ancient Peru and Their Techniques; Les Textiles Anciens du Perou et Leurs Techniques. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.

Keatinge, Richard W. (ed.)
1988 Peruvian Prehistory: An overview of pre-Inca and Inca society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

King, Mary Elizabeth

1965 Ancient Peruvian Textiles from the Collection of the Textile Museum, Washington, D.C. Greenwich, CN: Distributed by the New York Graphic Society.

Lanning, Edward P.
1967 Peru Before the Incas. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Leicht, Hermann

1960 Pre-Inca Art and Culture, translated by Mervyn Savill. New York: The Orion Press.

Moseley, Michael

1992 The Incas and their Ancestors: The Archaeology of Peru. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd.

O'Neale, Lila M. and A. L. Kroeber
1930 Textile Periods in Ancient Peru. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Volume 28, No. 2, pp 23-56. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Reid, James W.
1986 Textile Masterpieces of Ancient Peru. New York: Cover Publications, Inc.

Seibold, Katharine E.
1992 Textiles and Cosmology in Choquecana, Cuzco, Peru. In Andean Cosmologies through Time, edited by Tobert V. H. Dover, Katharine E. Seibold, and John H. McDowell, pp. 168-200. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

Peru: Chavín

Burger, Richard L.
1992 Chavín and the Origins of Andean Civilization. London: Thames and Hudson.

Peru: Chimú

Kolata, Alan L.
1990 The Urban Concept of Chan Chan. In The Northern Dynasties Kinship and Statecraft in Chimor, edited by M.E. Moseley and A. Cordy-Collins, pp. 107-144. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12th and 13th October 1985. Washington, D.C: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.

Lange Topic, Theresa
1990. Territorial Expansion and the Kingdom of Chimor. In The Northern Dynasties Kinship and Statecraft in Chimor, edited by M.E. Moseley and A. Cordy-Collins, pp.177-194. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12th and 13th October 1985. Washington, D.C: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.

Martínez, Cruz
1986 Cerámica Perhispánica Norperuana: Estudio de la Cerámica Chimú de la Colección del Museo de América de Madrid, Part i and ii. BAR International Series 323.

Moseley, Michael E.
1982 Introduction: Human Exploitation and Organization on the North Andean Coast. In Chan Chan: Andean Desert City, edited by Michael E. Moseley and Kent C. Day, pp. 1-24. A School of American Research Book. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

Moseley, Michael E.
1990 Structure and History in the Dynastic Lore of Chimor. In The Northern Dynasties Kinship and Statecraft in Chimor, edited by M.E. Moseley and A. Cordy-Collins, pp.1-41. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12th and 13th October 1985. Washington, D.C: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.

Moseley, Michael E. and Alana Cordy-Collins
1990 The Northern Dynasties Kinship and Statecraft in Chimor. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12th and 13th October 1985. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C.

Moseley, Michael E. and Eric E. Deeds
1982 The Land in Front of Chan Chan: Agrarian Expansion, Reform, and Collapse in the Moche Valley. In Chan Chan: Andean Desert City, edited by Michael E. Moseley and Kent C. Day, pp. 25-54. A School of American Research Book. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

Moseley, Michael E. and Kent C. Day (eds.)
1982 Chan Chan: Andean Desert City. A School of American Research Book. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

Netherly, Patricia J.
1990 Out of Many, One: The Organization of Rule in the North Coast Polities. In The Northern Dynasties Kinship and Statecraft in Chimor, edited by M.E. Moseley and A. Cordy-Collins, pp. 461-487. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12th and 13th October 1985. Washington, D.C: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.

Rowe, Ann Pollard
1984 Costumes and Featherwork of the Lords of Chimor. Washington, DC: Textile Museum.

Topic, John
1982 Lower-Class Social and Economic Organization at Chan Chan. In Chan Chan: Andean Desert City, edited by Michael E. Moseley and Kent C. Day, pp. 145-175. A School of American Research Book. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

1990 Craft Production in the Kingdom of Chimor. In The Northern Dynasties: Kinship and Statecraft in Chimor, edited by M.E. Moseley and A. Cordy-Collins, pp. 145-176. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12th and 13th October 1985. Washington, D.C: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.

Zuidema, R. Tom
1990 Dynastic Structures in Andean Culture. In The Northern Dynasties: Kinship and Statecraft in Chimor, edited by M.E. Moseley and A. Cordy-Collins, pp. 489-505. A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 12th and 13th October 1985. Washington, D.C: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.

Peru: Inka

Cock, Guillermo A.
2002 Inca Rescue. National Geographic. 201(5): 78-91.

D'Altroy, Terence N.
2002 The Incas. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

Murra, John V.

1980 The Economic Organization of the Inka State. Research in Economic Anthropology, Supplement 1. Greenwich, CN: JAI Press Inc.

Peru: Moche

Bawden, Garth
1996 The Moche. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

Donnan, Christopher B. and Donna McClelland
1999 Moche Fineline Painting: Its Evolution and Its Artists. Los Angeles: UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History.

Verano, John W.
1999 Modified Human Skulls from the Urban Sector of the Pyramids of Moche, Northern Peru. Latin American Antiquity. 10(1):59-70.

Peru: Nasca

DeLeonardis, Lisa
2000 The Body Context: Interpreting Early Nasca Decapitated Burials. Latin American Antiquity 11(4):363-386.

Kroeber, Alfred L. and Donald Collier
1998 The Archaeology and Pottery of Nazca, Peru: Alfred L. Kroeber’s 1926 Expedition. Walnut Creek, IL: Altamira Press.

Proulx, Donald A.
2001 Ritual Uses of Trophy Heads in Ancient Nasca Society. In Ritual Sacrifice in Ancient Peru, edited by Elizabeth P. Benson and Anita G. Cook, pp. 119-136. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Sawyer, Alan R.
1997 Early Nasca Needlework. London : L. King in association with A. Marcuson.

Silverman, Helaine and Donald Proulx
2002 The Nasca. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

Peru: Paracas

Bird, Junius B.
1954 Paracas Fabrics and Nazca Needlework 3rd century B.C. - 3rd century A.D. Washington, DC: National Publishing Co.

Frame, Mary
1991 Structure, Image, and Abstraction: Paracas Necrópolis Headbands as System Templates. In Paracas Art and Architecture: Object and Context in South Coastal Peru, edited by Anne Paul, pp.110-171. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.

2001 Blood, Fertility, and Transformation: Interwoven Themes in the Paracas Necropolis Embroideries. In Ritual Sacrifice In Ancient Peru, edited by Elizabeth P. Benson and Anita G. Cook, pp. 119-136. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Paul, Anne

1990 Paracas Ritual Attire: Symbols of Authority in Ancient Peru. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.

1991 Paracas Art and Architecture: Object and Context in South Coastal Peru. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.

Wallace, Dwight T.
1991 A Technical and Iconographic Analysis of Carhua Painted Textiles. In Paracas Art and Architecture: Object and Context in South Coastal Peru. edited by Anne Paul, pp. 61-109. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.

Peru: Tiwanaku

Kolata, Alan L.
1993 The Tiwanaku: Portrait of an Andean Civilization. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

1996 Tiwanaku and its Hinterland : Archaeology and Paleoecology of an Andean Civilization. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.

1996 Valley of the Spirits: A Journey into the Lost Realm of the Aymara. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Peru: Wari

Isbell, William H. and Gordon F. McEwan (eds.)
1991 Huari Administrative Structure: Prehistoric Monumental Architecture and State Government. Washington, D.C. : Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.

Williams, Patrick R.
2001. Cerro Baúl: A Wari Center on the Tiwanaku Frontier. Latin American Antiquity 12(1):67-83.


Castro, Victoria
1990 Artistry in Clay: Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino. Santiago: Banco O’Higgins.

Langman, James
2001 Magical Mummies of the Atacama. Américas (May/June): 14-23.